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An interview with our new Chef

Our intrepid reporter, Julia, went to interview Mr. Istvan, our new chef in the school.

Why did you decide to work in our school, BISB? “I heard that it was a high level job and as I have always worked at that level, I came here.”

What’s your favourite food and why? “I don’t really have a favourite food but I like sea food.”

When did you decide to be a chef? “I decide to be a chef in kindergarten and when I grew up a little bit, I felt and knew that this work was right for me as it is not just a job, it’s art. Creating food is art.”

How do you spend your time when you are not at work? “I like nature and animals so I mostly walk somewhere where there is nature, but I also like to walk in my garden at home.”

What’s your favourite sport? “I did a lot of athletics and I was a trainer too, but now I only run. Also when I was younger I did taekwondo and kung fu.”

How do you feel, do you like it here? “Yes, when I came I thought I was going to feel really good here, and now I know that I was right; my thoughts came true.”

What did you do before becoming a chef? “I was a soldier for 12 years and I also cooked food there, and even now they sometimes invite me to go back and cook for them.”

How many stars do you have or what’s your grade (in the army)? “ensign”.

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