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How accurate is Wikipedia?

Everyone uses Wikipedia, whether it’s for researching a school project or just for fun (ok, maybe not for fun!) but is it really as accurate as everyone thinks?

Although it may not be 100% accurate, guess where I found all of my facts - you got it - Wikipedia! It turns out that over 32,700,000 people edit the site so anything could be put on there and you wouldn’t know if it was true or false.

Recently, however, they have begun taking precautions against random people editing because you must be a member, and if incorrect information is put up it is generally discovered and taken down but quite a few faulty facts are still left up. Such as, ‘Robbie Williams eats domestic pets in pubs for money’ and, ‘David Beckham was a Chinese goalkeeper in the 18th century’ and finally, ‘The Duchess of Cornwall’s Christian name is Cow-Miller!’ Some of these have been unearthed and taken down now but the fact remains that these funny facts were there when they shouldn’t be.

So next time you visit Wikipedia make sure to double check your information!

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