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Flip Flops

Somalia is a place of war, famine and piracy; along the coast, however, some good things happen. In Mogadishu, in the Indian ocean, a group of women (and often men) come together and collect flip flops. Why? Business.

The women you see in this photo above, along with Simon Reeve, march upon the sandy -littered - beaches. Visit this Youtube page to get the full story :

These women collected flip flops washed up on the beach, among many other types of litter, and use them to make animals, keychains and a plentiful number of souvenirs.

This is the only way these women can make money for their community. Not many ideas such as this can raise money, rather than spend it, and clean litter that is caused by everyone else. Why should they have to clean up our trash?

But as some say, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.

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