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Mr. Dyer in Conversation

Photographs: Anya (Year 7)

Alexander and Liam took the opportunity to grill our Principal, Mr. Dyer, with 25 questions to celebrate BISB's 25 years. Alexander created the questions and Liam was the main interviewer. These are their choices of the best of the responses:

Liam: Thank you, Mr Dyer for letting us interview you on this beautiful day. So, question number one would be, “Do you have any hobbies?”

Mr. Dyer: Well Liam, I barely have any time for them but when I do, I like walking in the hills and I like photography, especially underwater photography. I jog, I cycle and swim, and I am absolutely passionate about my Music Collection!

Liam: Our second question is, “what is your greatest weakness?”

Mr. Dyer: Chocolate. Well, I sometimes take on too many things because I have worked in many different places, so I like to get involved in things and sometimes I have to take a step back. But, chocolate is something else.

Liam: How do people describe you?

Mr. Dyer: Passionate, because I actually am passionate about what I do.

They certainly say I smile a lot even though I might be having a difficult conversation, which I have to stop doing.

And approachable I guess, I hope.

Liam: So, what was your job before you became the Principal at BISB?

Mr. Dyer: I was Head of the British International School in Ho Chi Minh City and before that, I was a principal at a school in Malaysia and before that I was a deputy principal in Hong-Kong.

Liam: Have you ever been anything other than a teacher?

Mr. Dyer: My first ever proper job was when I worked at Oxford University in the programming research group. I then spent a year working in a bar at a night club, I then worked at a Norwegian hotel for four or five months and after that, I started to teach.

Thank you Mr. Dyer.

There is a video of the interview and we will put it up when we have figured out how to!

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