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Why cats are more lovable than dogs

Cats are wild and very independent creatures, but they can also be cute, furry and faithful companions by your side.

Unlike dogs, cats don’t always let you touch them and they don’t play fetch or other games that dogs seem to enjoy. They play in different ways. Cats are hunters. They enjoy: hunting their prey down, catching it and then killing it. They play this way because hunting is absolutely normal behaviour to these animals, but if the cat had been born in the wild, with no humans around at all, this behaviour would be their chance of survival.

These phenomenal creatures are calmer and less needy than dogs, but that doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t get the care and attention they deserve. Home cats can also be energetic and playful, when they are not sleeping or lying around. Kittens are usually very active: they pounce on everything that moves. The life of a home cat is not the most adventurous or thrilling, as all they do is play, lie around and sleep.

Wild cats, on the other hand, have lives that are anything but boring. ​Life in the wild is always full of surprises. In one season it might be warm and their environment full of prey, but in another season their home might lack enough prey to feed the cat and the weather might be very cold. As I said earlier, wild cats need to hunt for their prey, as they have no humans to care for them. In the colder seasons the wild cats don’t have as much to eat as in summer, as it’s harder to find and catch prey.

All cats are amazing and lovable in their own way. Some cats like to be petted and some don’t. They’re all different, but the reasons I personally love them are that they are independent, faithful, not very needy, sometimes playful and most importantly heartwarming, furry and awesome companions! They can live in different environments: the wild (where they hunt for their own prey) the streets or your home, where they can be safe and warm by your side.

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