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Animals that might go extinct in 2019

When an entire animal or plant species is completely wiped off the planet, never to be seen again, it has gone extinct. Over the last century, nearly 500 species have perished from Earth, mostly at the hand of the human race. One would think that by now, humanity’s continued attacks on the unique animals of our planet would have stopped. There are already so many animals that will go extinct very soon. Five of these animals that will go extinct very soon are:

1.Amur Leopard: the leopard is the rarest big cat. The Amur leopard is decreasing in population. Unlike other big cats, this type of leopard has adapted to living in the temperate forests of Russia. When they are healthy, they can live anywhere from 10 to 15 years. It is really hard for the Amur leopard to adapt to something.

2. Saola: the Saola is among the rarest animals in the world. It can only be found in really small places in Vietnam and Laos. This animal also was photographed very few times, and very little is known about these creatures. But one known fact is that they are thought to live up to 11 years.

3. Javan Rhinoceros: the Javan Rhinoceros can be found throughout western Indonesia and eastern Indochina. These rhinos are one the most hunted animals in Africa and Asia, most commonly for their horns.

4. Vaquita: the tiny vaquitas are sea animals. They kind of look like dolphins because they are so cute and have a really similar shape. Shockingly there are only 30 vaquitas left in the whole world. Vaquitas are the rarest marine mammals. Also, an interesting fact is that this animal was discovered in 1958.

5. The Panda: pandas are originally from China. They are easily recognized by their large patches, and the circles around their eyes. The name “giant panda” is sometimes used to distinguish it from the red panda. Their lifespan is 20 years.

In this list of endangered animals, there are sadly a lot of animals that we all love so much. Like the cuddly panda, the scary leopard and the rhinoceros. You maybe did not realize that this is happening because of us humans. Many people love the horns from the rhinoceros, so they just chop off the rhinoceros’ horn, or they even KILL the animal. Or a lot of people kill animals for their fur. But if YOU don’t want this to happen to other animals, we should ALL help them.

You can first educate your family, friends and colleagues. Then, please recycle, and remember that if you are in a beach, there are animals in the ocean, so don’t throw what you don’t want to the beach. DON’T buy any plastic products like plastic bags, plastic bottles and whenever you can, buy from other better materials.

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