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For each of these questions answer A, B or C. Keep track of your answers!

1.How many hours do you spend online?

A) 0-2

B) 3-5

C) 6+

2. How long do you stay in bed for in the mornings? (weekends)

A) 10 mins or less

B) 10-30 mins

C) 30 mins+

3. How many movies / TV shows do you watch in a day?

A) 0

B) 1-3

C) 4+

4. How many hours do you spend outside?

A) 2+

B) 1

C) 0

5. How many hours do you spend playing sports/ exercising?

A) 2+

B) 1+-

C) 0

6. How many new hobbies have you learnt?

A) 2

B) 1

C) 0

7. How any times have you baked?

A) 0

B) 1

C) 2+

8. How many snacks do you have a day?

A) 0

B) 1-3

C) 3+

9. How many times have you cleaned your room?

A) 2+

B) 1

C) 0

10. How many times a week do you get dressed up (not into sweatpants or different pajamas)?

A) 6 - 7

B) 3 - 5

C) 0 - 2

So, if you got mostly A, you are not bored at all, if you got mostly B, you might be a little bored, and if you got mostly C, you guessed it, you are very bored. What did you get? Make sure to let us know!

10 Ways To Cure Your Boredom

1. Bake something new


Vanilla Cupcakes:

Chocolate chip cookies:


Or here are some simple dog treat recipes:

2. Take your pet for a walk / go for a walk

3. Clean / organise your room

4. Teach your pet a trick

Why not teach you pet how to jump through a hula hoop?

5. Draw a picture of your pet / family

6. Grow a plant

Now’s the perfect season!

7. Draw your family tree

This is a great opportunity for you to learn more about your ancestry and who you are!

8. Write a poem

This could be about anything! It could be about you or the things you love...why not write one about your favourite animal?

9. Learn how to do a new hairstyle or makeup look

Or even give your pet a makeover...

10. Have a movie night

You can even call your friends and watch a film together!

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