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Why dogs are so amazing!

Dogs are amazing best friends. There are so many benefits about having a dog that I cannot name them all. About a month ago my eyes were really opened to these amazing creatures when I had to cope with our beloved dog passing away. Even though it was a hard blow, it was softened by a realization of love. Love is very powerful and if it is abused it can be dangerous, but deep down it is perfect and the only thing that is keeping us afloat in this storm of life. A dog understands love, even if they are grouchy or fierce and this is because of the way of love. All dogs try to please and own love, so if they are fierce it is just because, they feel like that is the only way to love. If love is abused, then that is what will come out of it.

Dogs understand even if they cannot talk. They feel your emotions like waves. They know the right time to make you laugh and the right time to sit back and watch or to come and listen. Dogs are incredible mainly for this reason. They love you even if you are skinny, homeless, smelly, or too perfect for words. You are their pack and they will protect their pack no matter what. They live to see their pack happy and safe and loved. This is a dog's mental goal in life.

A dog is a pack animal: they are happy when they are with their whole pack. What dogs like to do best is herd all their pack/family into one space. When a main part of the pack is missing, dogs always stand up, on guard, until the whole pack is totally united together, and the dog knows that everyone is safe. A dog will protect their pack with their life. They also know when it is important to protect and when things are getting dangerous. They can read people. They know if you can trust them or if that person is dangerous and is about to hurt their pack.

Last but not least: a dog can always lift your mood. They may need a lot of exercise and for you to pick up the bad stuff, but that is only a slice of work that needs doing. They also need food and, depending on what dog you have, some need to be let out often. Some dogs bark, some bite, and some jump but every dog has it’s good side. They each have their own outstanding personalities and their own twerks. Some dogs may yap all day long and then at night jump on your legs and snore for what seems like forever, some may run around and humiliate you. This is what makes your dog your dog. It is what makes a dog called Marely or Diesel Marely or Diesel. These little characteristic moments show that this dog enjoys being with you and loving you. That he or she is happy. At that moment you may find these things utterly frustrating but one day they will be gone. That is when you know that that dog was utterly perfect.

So, I have told you many positives and even a bit of negatives but one thing I am telling is that dogs really are AMAZING! No matter what type, where they are from or how they act, they are all AMAZING! Dogs feel you; they protect you; they care for you; and most importantly they LOVE you!


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