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An Interview with the Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orbán

Julia: “Hi guys, I’m here with Orbán Viktor at a concert, so you know it’s time for an interview! :)”

Viktor Orbán: “Which language do you Speak? German?”

Julia: “Hungarian, English, Russian, but we can speak in Hungarian!”

Viktor Orbán: “Okay.”

Julia: “Did you always think you were going to become the Prime Minister of Hungary?”

Viktor Orbán: “Never! (haha) My intention was to become a football player!”

Julia: “Really?”

Viktor Orbán: “Yes! A Professional one! But, you know, because of a lack of talent that didn’t happen... So, that was never my first option!”

Julia: “Well, maybe someday! :)”

Viktor Orbán: “No, no, not anymore :)”

Julia: “Which degree, do you think, is the most useful for someone who wants to become a Prime Minister?”

Viktor Orbán: “Oh, being a Prime minister means knowing how to lead. Leading is not an independent thing, there are lots of roads that can lead you there. You could get there from Law, Economics, Theology, the Army, there are several pathways. The main thing is to know how to lead, which is a question of character. Of course, there are also skills, abilities, but essentially, it’s all about whether you learned how to bring together the will of many people into one. Therefore, there are many pathways, so young people can choose from a lot of things, if their goal is to get where I am now. Law is good, Economics too, Theology, Military Science, and well, of course Sport helps a lot too.”

Julia: “Yes, Sport is Indeed very helpful! :) Which Universities do you think, are currently the best?”

Viktor Orbán: “In Hungary?”

Julia: “In Hungary as well, but also in general.”

Viktor Orbán: “Well, that is a difficult question. There’s plenty of good Universities, however, none of them are on an international level. Among the ranks is the Veterinary University, and the Medical Universities are great too. However, the other universities… We need to do a lot to make them not just good, but really good... But I really must go now, thank you!”

Julia: “One more question! How was the concert, did you enjoy it?”

Vikor Orbán: “It was wonderful :)”

Julia: “Thank you very much, really!!! :)” A word from Julia: What prime minister, Orban Viktor has said in this interview, is immensely valuable for future leaders. In his opinion, the most crucial factors to achieving effective leadership are:

The development of necessary skills and character

The ability to bring together the will of many individuals into one Can be reached through multiple pathways and professions

In my opinion, all global leaders are very well-spoken, articulate, and charismatic individuals, that know how to unite and lead their followers to achieve success. As Viktor Orban himself has stated, there are many paths and professions that can lead to becoming a global politician. The most significant one is however to develop the aforementioned, essential leadership skills. – But, having a passion for leadership and the ability to think outside of the box will definitely come in handy too! :)

  • The full interview is available on my Instagram: Julietta_poli

Our reporter Julia, with Orbán Viktor


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