Animal Cruelty
Every day we are fed the horrors that happen to us, the atrocities committed, but do you realize how selfish you are being saddened by these things? I bet you don’t!
Every year about 50 thousand people are tortured globally. Let's not minimize torture but every year 1 million times that amount of farm animals are tortured- from birth all the way to their violent and miserable death. Around 50 billion animals a year, that’s 5 with 10 zeros after it.
On factory farms, animals endure routine mutilations, extreme confinement, and genetic manipulation all for the supposed benefit of human consumers. Factory farming is made to keep animals alive and then slaughtered at the lowest possible cost and confinement is taken to the extremes. Cows born to die are allowed outside for but a brief moment in their weak, pathetic, and tortured lives, and even then, are packed tightly where they’re forced to stand in their own feces.
Some other animals, however, are even less lucky. Hens in egg production are confined to “battery cages”. These cages give the same floor space as a piece of printer paper. Birds can’t even spread their wings.
Chickens and geese are mutilated when not even a few hours old and are sent to a debeaking machine, so they don’t kill each other in the cages, but this aggression is usually caused by the torturous live they lead. Although I won’t go into details, it does include slowly peeling slices of the beak! Cows and pigs also have their tails cut off, usually without anesthesia!
But the worst of It all is you: the consumer. Chickens live not even 50 days on fattening farms, and you sit here, drowning in the shallowness of your own troubles as this goes on? Disgraceful!
But now I’m giving you a chance, it’s time for you to stand up for the animals that can’t stand up for themselves! It’s time for you to take action now that you know what’s really happening on those farms, it’s time to make these things of the past by helping to stop it! We must stand together and rise, pushing governments to make the right decisions and to make the right laws so we can save the animals. Send letters to local lawmakers and try to raise awareness - Tell people to look at the labels on packages - Animals cannot fight for themselves and therefore you must act so they may live their lives peacefully in warm meadows under the sun.