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Animals that will go extinct in 2025

Animals are slowly going extinct because of climate change and pollution. Believe it or not, we are the cause for all these animals dying. Did you know that 15 or more species die every day? 3 types of orangutans might already be dead. We are the killers, hunting, polluting and putting animals in captivity every day. That is how animals die.

Pandas and Elephants are going to be extinct by 2025. Amur leopards, black rhinos, Sumatran rhinos, Javan rhinos and Bornean orangutan will be extinct by 2030.Sea turtles, bees, polar bears, tigers, cheetahs and dolphins are going to go extinct between 2050 and 2100.Vaquitas, tigers, Asian elephants, leather back turtles are the most extinct animals now and the koala will also go extinct by 2050. This is what the following graphs show :

This is happening because people hunt these animals, or their habitats get destroyed; because of global warming and pollution, or the animals have been put in zoos and they went mad and died. These topics are all killing animals and causing their extinction.

Hunting animals

-people kill animals for food, fur or to make jewelry and other stuff out of them

-this won’t stop because some people need the food that they hunt

-there are places where animals are protected and are not allowed to be hunted but these places are few and not big enough for the animal to live in

-you could help maybe by convincing people that hunting is bad and tell people they should make more places where animals are safe

-but then again if the people stop hunting then they won’t get food and starve

Destroying habitats

-habitats get destroyed when forests get burned or people cut down trees from the forest

-in the tropical rainforest so many species went extinct that you can’t even count them

-in the coral reef, in the past few years the tourism went up by 70%

-the tourists might break the corals or intoxicate them with drinks they brought in the water, pee or the oils from the sunscreen

-the corals will go white and die

Global warming

-global warming affects everybody

-not only that there are 20 degrees in autumn, but the oceans heat up

-this causes fish that don’t adapt quickly or are used to a lower temperature to die and corals that are not used to lower temperature will turn white and die

-higher temperatures have been recorded even at the bottom of the ocean (that should be a cold place but now is getting warmer)

-on land animals like polar bears will die because the north pole will melt as it is one big block of ice, not land

-as it is melting right now big piles of ice fall into the water killing seals or fish that swim underneath

-and if the north pole melts, polar bears can swim, btu not forever till they find land at least

-but there is something you can do about it

-you can stop using a car and use a bike or public transport, not only that you use your body more than in a car, with a bike you will exercise, and scientists found out that if you exercise and eat healthy you can live longer and have less chances then getting a diseases

-you could use boats instead of planes too


-pollution is all around the world

-there are islands of trash in the ocean

-5% of trash is actually being recycled

-sea turtles eat jellyfish

-time to time they eat a plastic bag because they think it is a jellyfish

-this is one of the reasons they die

-on the shore sometimes you can find dead seagulls


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