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MCU, also known as the Marvel Cinematic Universe, has truly created a fascinating world full of love, humour and power; from the first Iron Man movie to the recent Avengers Movie. In every movie you see little hints of the other marvel movies. They link together and makes the viewer feel like all the characters actually live on the same planet and during the same time period. The MCU reaches its arms out and pulls you into a world of dreams, danger and adventure. It is like the characters are fighting in your living room; right in front of you. All the little easter eggs* they show for example, all the movies have led up to the big reveal of Thanos, show how carefully the directors have thought about every movie and the viewer intrigued about the future. Go back through them and most will have subtle hints about Thanos, mainly the movies set in outer space.

Let us talk about how the MCU was created. It started with the first Iron Man movie. All the other Marvel movies before the MCU were not very successful and didn’t earn that much in the box-office. This new Iron Man movie wasn’t funded very well, and they took risk to choose the superhero Iron Man. He is not the most well-known superhero, so were unsure if the movie would appeal to the public. However, they decided to take the risk and used the character anyway. Now everyone from 3 years old to 98 years old knows Iron Man’s name. The last risk they film producers took, was to get Robert Downy Junior to play the role of Iron Man. He was still overcoming a big obstacle in his life but luckily one of his close acting friends, who was in on the movie, put him in the role. And, now we can’t think of Iron Man as anyone else. So, we can see that they took a huge risk in starting this huge universe and aren’t we glad they did? Well at least I am!

Let’s now talk about the villains. The villains in the MCU aren’t always alien beings coming down from another far away planet to concur earth. Most of the time, they are just normal human beings manipulating the heroes for no other reason than for the blame of killing a loved one. This also proves that the heroes are also just normal human beings. They are not immune to feelings or grief, neither to the feelings love and anger. A few examples include: fat Thor, he is in grief and regret, he feels the blimp** is all his fault; Hawk eye, he goes into a killing spree as he is in grief about his families death; the hulk, when he gets angry, he turns into a destructive, city-destroying monster.But, they always come back to save the day. On October 10, 2017, the MCU created its first female villain; Hela, who is Thor’s manic sister. She has too, have been one of the best villains of all time. She is dramatic; fiery; and a super talented fighter. She also has a crazy backstory; you can tell that this character was thought about and created with a lot of consideration. The actor was also amazing and acted this role with such power and enthusiasm. Cate Blanchett definitely made this character come to life on the screen.

Now let’s talk about the all famous… Thanos. The whole MCU has been awaiting his arrival. Mentioned in all the Guardians of the Galaxy movies, the first Avengers, Thor Ragnarok and more. I couldn’t make this without mentioning the unjust, horrible, oddly calm super villain. Thanos really must have hit his head, murdering half of all planet’s populations. He also takes children from that planet and raises them to murder other planet’s population. His children are: Gamora; Nebula; Proxima Midnight; Aspen Mouth; Corvus Glaive; and the black dwarf. Two of his children are heroes though; Gamora is of course a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy and Nebula is like a Professor Snape, you are unsure if she is evil or good. Thanos respects these, and maybe evens loves a few (proven in Avengers Infinity wars), children. They are his army, his pack. Thanos is literally indestructible with his gauntlet. This makes him invincible and the perfect last villain for the avengers to fight together. Thank the Avengers, that he is not a real person.

Now for the superheroes, I mean the amazing Avengers! If I said Avengers who would you think of? Let me guess: Thor, Iron Man, Spiderman, Hulk, and Captain America but what about Black Widow, Scarlet Witch and the others. Black Widow is especially underrated, not only in the public eyes but also in the actual movies. She has been there from the very beginning, making her first appearance in Iron Man 2. A great example of how she is forgotten and underrated is that at the very beginning of End Game, she says to Cap “Go get a life” and then at the end of End Game Cap says to Falcon “Well Tony (Iron Man) told me to get a life.” This shows that she is forgotten and completely overlooked. Black Widow has emotionally touched every Avenger: Hulk, she is the only person that can get him back too. For Bruce; Captain America, they are very good friends; Hawkeye, have a very deep past; and Scarlet Witch, they are the two girl superheroes. Scarlet witch also has insane powers. She is stronger than Vision; Iron Man; Thor; and Thanos. I don’t understand why she is always forgotten. And I must say that Iron Man; Thor; Captain America; and the other classic Avengers are absolutely amazing and you just can’t stop falling in love with each and every one of them. They all have strange pasts and intriguing futures. They each have taken a rollercoaster of an adventure from the first Avengers movie to Avengers Endgame. I love every single one. And what about the others? Spiderman; The guardians of the galaxy; Doctor strange. All are amazing especially the guardians of the galaxy who are the comic relief of the MCU. They are humorous and exiting. The first Guardians of the galaxy made me cry. It was heart-breaking yet so funny. The second movie though has to be my favourite, Marvel knows when to be comedic and when to be serious without making it super serious or too hilarious.

I personally believe that the MCU is a great get away from real life. It is packed with adventure, sorrow, romance and laughter and they are all balanced out equally. I couldn’t say they have perfect and immaculate movies or characters as nothing is perfect. The characters are shown as real people and real people make mistakes and fall but they rise above this and do better next time. And their movies aren’t perfect, but they are extremely close. I know the MCU movies aren’t for everyone, but I think they are insanely well made and inspiring. They are so carefully thought out and considered, they also add so many hidden easter eggs that fans love to find. I would definitely advice watching them. You will travel across the globe, across the solar system, across space. I would advise them for people 9 and above but otherwise they are for all ages. Now finish reading this and go explore the marvel universe.

*Easter eggs: Subtle hints to other movies they have made or movies they will make **Blimp: The disappearance of half of earth’s population that lasted 5 years


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